
in previous 2 discussions we have discussed
  1. Definition of tuberculosis
  2. Etiology of tuberculosis
  3. Epidemiology of tuberculosis
  4. Two types of cells are essential in the formation of TB
  5. Human Immunity after infected tubercle bacillus and tuberculin hypersensitivity
  6. Outcomes
  7. Rule of mutual conversion of 3 changes
  8. Primary/Secondary pulmonary tuberculosis
  9. two type of Hematogenous Tuberculosis
so in this discussion we will continue with third type of Hematogenous Tuberculosis

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis:

  • Intestinal TB
  • Tuberculous pleurisy
  • Tuberculous meningitis
  • Tuberculosis of genitourinary system
  • Tuberculosis of bone and joint
  • Lymph node tuberculosis


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